понедельник, 27 сентября 2010 г.

"Ararat" - Pakhtakor (Tashkent). 0:0

"Ararat" - Pakhtakor (Tashkent). 0:0. Yerevan. Republican Stadium. July 28, 1966. Clearly. 35 degrees. 13000 spectators.

Judges: S. Arkhipov, S. Belyaev, A. Efremov (all - Moscow).

"Ararat": Matygin (V. Abrahamian, 56), Seropyan, Avetisyan, Semin, Mesrobian, Kovalenko, Vanya, Yeghiazaryan, Safarov, Ovivyan (k), Kazarian.

Pakhtakor: Yu Pshenichnikov, R. Zakirov, B. Stern, A. Inoyatov, V. Suyunov, Mukhin, V. Naumenko, V. Tadzhirov, H. Rakhmatullaev (B. Ibragimov, 64), G. Krasnitsky , B. Abduraimov.

Yesterday, at the national stadium in the next match on the national championships in football met in Yerevan "Ararat" and the Tashkent Pakhtakor. Tashkent players installed with Dynamo original record. They have not lost this season, a single game. Especially stable playing defense Pakhtakor have missed an own goal just 11 balls. Guests can not break with tradition and in yesterday's meeting with "Ararat". The first fifteen minutes, the team was feeling each other without risking attack. But by the middle of the first half of Yerevan began pulling their forces to the penalty area visitors, often threaten gate Pakhtakor. But the attacking trio of Yerevan falter, abused individual stroke. Twice dangerous passes to the gate of "Ararat" Krasnitskiy.Neskolko real opportunities for scoring could not use Ovivyan, Safarian, Yeghiazaryan. The game in general was gray, no sporting light. The teams did not manage to open an account.

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