четверг, 16 апреля 2009 г.

"Ararat" - "Shakhtar" (Donetsk). 2:0

"Ararat" - "Shakhtar" (Donetsk). 2:0 (2:0). Yerevan. Republican Stadium. November 17, 1966.

Referee: A. Menshikov (Moscow).

Ararat: A. Abrahamian, Seropyan (k), Hovsepian, Semin, Mesrobian, Vanya, Kovalenko (Zanazanyan), F. Abrahamian, Simonyan, Yeghiazaryan, Kazarian.
Shakhtar: Yu short (Govorov), Yu Hubychi, A. Winter, V. Sal'kov (k), A. Drozdenko, V. Sorokin, V. Yaremchenko, A. Pylypchuk (B. Miles), S . Ananchenko, S. Evseenko, V. Fadeev.

Goals: Kazarian (12), Simonyan (35).

Yesterday Yerevan football fans came to the last game of their favorite team. Opponent "Ararat" in this meeting was Shakhtar Donetsk. If you win the Armenian athletes finally consolidated into 13 th place and could even qualify for the 12-e.Match the attack Yerevan, and by the 11 th minute they took the lead. It happened after when Nick Kazarian, a second ahead of the defenders of the miners, pushed the ball into the net past the gate keeper ran out to meet him short. Since then, gaming initiative is fully owned by the owners of the field. On the 34 th minute, the same AN Kazarian nicely circumvents several defenders guests goalkeeper and went out to the front line, sending the ball into the goal. The captain of the miners, defender Sal'kov trying to eliminate fear, "drives" him under the cross own vorot.Vo second half initiative passed to the guests. They are attacking more often, and goalkeeper Yerevan Abrahamian took several difficult balls. Counterattacks the home team as sharp, but they are missing several opportunities to increase the expense. The match and ended with the score 2:0 in favor of Yerevan.

Now the Armenian players to trip to Iraq and Syria.

среда, 15 апреля 2009 г.

"Ararat" - "Lokomotiv" (Moscow). 2:0

"Ararat" - "Lokomotiv" (Moscow). 2:0 (0:0). Yerevan. Republican Stadium. November 4, 1966.

Referee: N. Pinsky (Kharkiv).

Ararat: A. Abrahamian, Seropyan (k), Hovsepian, Semin, Mesrobian, Vanya, Kovalenko, F. Abrahamian, Simonyan, Yeghiazaryan, Galstyan (Kazarian).
Lokomotiv Moscow: V. Polyakov, V. Zaitsev, V. Radionov, A.Koche-Tov, Davydov, Yu Prudnikov, B. Petrov, N. Sevost'yanov (B. Oreshnikov), M. Hershkowitz, V. Kozlov , V. Korotkov.

Goals: FM Abrahamian (50), Yeghiazaryan (Semin, 70).

Yesterday's meeting in Yerevan "Ararat" with Moscow "Locomotive" was expected with great impatience. The fact that Muscovites have won five in a row last meetings, to significantly improve their standings. Residents of Yerevan and delight their fans by showing mature fall soccer. They have quadrupled in recent meetings left the field yesterday's match pobeditelyami.Vo araratovtsy were not only masters of the field, but also the situation. And if the first half ended without result, the credit for this goes defensive line railway. Attacks were also guests of sporadic and especially the danger the gate of the home team does not predstavlyali.Vtoroy half began a barrage of attacks Yerevan. We felt that the protection of guests falter. Indeed. on the 50 th minute of the game FA Abrahamian, to participate actively in the attack. scored a beautiful goal. The game resembled a training session in one of the gates. But the success of the second Yerevan athletes have achieved only a 70 th minute when Yeghiazaryan again forced "to surrender" the goalkeeper reviews Polyakov. After that, residents of Yerevan at least twice as effectively as possible to increase the expense, but once Kovalenko struck the empty gates, and the ball passed close to the pole, and then Simonyan hesitated to attack. The guests were active Hershkowitz, but his poorly supported partners napadeniyu.Svistok Judge M. Pinsky recorded a convincing victory "Ararat" with a score of 2:2. This was the fifth victory of Yerevan at the finish of the championship.

вторник, 14 апреля 2009 г.

"Ararat" - "Spartak" (Moscow). 1:0

"Ararat" - "Spartak" (Moscow). 1:0 (1:0). Yerevan. Republican Stadium. October 26, 1966. 25 000 spectators.

Judges: N. Kirsanov (Kiev), M. Titorenko (Riga) ...

"Ararat": A. Abrahamian, Seropyan (k), Hovsepian, Semin, Mesrobian, Vanya, Kovalenko (Zanazanyan), F. Abrahamian, Simo-Nhan, Yeghiazaryan, Galstyan.
Spartacus: BS Belov, VA Zhitkus, V. savages, A. Korneev, V. Petrov, V. Ambartsumian (A. Golodubov, 75), G. Logofet (k), W. Janiszewski, W. Bokatov, Yuri Semin Khusainov.

Goal: Simonyan (Yeghiazaryan, 45 - finishing moves).

Match Stats: Shots on goal - 15:5; corner - 6:0.

The Moscow team Spartak and football in Yerevan "Ararat" - the old rivals. They are yesterday's meeting at the national championships, held in Yerevan, was 12th in a row. Prior to that, five times winning guests, three times "Ararat" and the same number of matches ended vnichyu.Kto a hero for the next meeting? On this issue a long time could not answer any of forwards, no other team, although the overwhelming advantage araratovtsev in the first half was undeniable. As an example, you can use statistics. The home 15 times hit by the gate, and five guests. The home received the right to penetration of the six corner kicks, while guests - none. This speaks of the game and territorial advantage araratovtsev which finally revealed the 45 th minute of the game. Striker Yeghiazaryan distance to shoot. Goalkeeper Muscovites Belov not very successful riposte, and dismal Simonian close range opened the scoring - 1:0.

The second half began with stormy attacks Muscovites. But not for long. Araratovtsy are still active and friendly. They gradually seized the initiative and hold it until the end. Forwards reviews Khusainov, Bokatov, Janiszewski, as in the first half, remain "unemployed".

The match ends in a well-deserved victory "Ararat" - 1:0.

N. Chakhoyan.